
Election 24 Issues at Stake

Election ’24: Issues at Stake

Election ’24: Issues at Stake

Election ’24: Issues at Stake aims to bring public attention to consequential policy issues confronting voters and policymakers in the run up to the 2024 election. This includes equipping leaders with insights and policy ideas to help them govern in 2025 and beyond. Learn more about Election ’24

Our experts in the news

June 8, 2024

Howard Gleckman spoke to CNBC about what the next president means for your taxes, saying that “For 95% of taxpayers, they both want to do the same thing.”  

May 25, 2024

Republicans identify as working and lower class more than Democrats. Deseret News cites research by William Galston to explain why.

May 25, 2024

The New York Times cited research from Andre Perry that climate change is now a greater political concern for Black Americans than abortion or the state of democracy.